About Us
Changing the world is possible.
We help students build better writing skills everyday.
Writing checks
Words read
Lines of feedback delivered
Students we help
Literatu has a simple mission – we help teachers help students to write better English.
Good English writing skills underpin academic and career success, and build national economic strength. Our job is to help every student achieve their best.
Scribo is a purpose built writing improvement platform supplying the additional ingredient for every teacher and student to support the teaching and learning of English writing. We work with teachers and partners across the world to deliver technology that lifts each teacher's capacity to teach and each student's capacity to learn English writing.
Early on, we realised the enormity of the challenge writing poses to many students. Not only is writing a meta-cognitive process that calls on nearly every neuron in one's brain, i is a process constructed by every writer individually. As one teacher would explain the challenges they face, another would amplify more complex challenges in differing scenarios that surface at different levels of proficiency.
We now work with K–12 schools, colleges and universities around the world helping students at all levels of learning, to engage in writing and grow their skills. Writing is a tough skill to master, requiring time, grit and persistence to develop. Scribo uniquely joins teachers and students in a two-sided transparent connection where as writing happens, all writing is encouraged and supported. Scribo blends instruction, feedback and support for all of the pedagogy processes and workflows teachers run daily.
From our first iteration of Scribo, we continually work on two themes that dominate every discussion about writing – the reality of 'time' and 'more'.
We set out to dramatically reduce teacher workloads and the hours spent in lesson preparation, feedback, grading and data collation. While overtime is the natural habit of most English and humanities teachers, it is never the sustainable answer to the challenges of time and resource constraints. When teachers reduce twenty hours of back-office work a week, teachers have more time for teaching.
'More' is the key to developing writing skills. Students need to be encouraged to write more, in more varied genres, while receiving more personalised feedback and instruction on where to improve their writing. Students who write more, develop more confidence and more skills. Without supportive technology to break the cycle, 'more' writing for students, means 'more' work for teachers. This is the paradox we set out to break. Scribo delivers more support for students and more time for teachers.
Scribo is made to build and sustain a writing connection between teachers and students. We have four guiding truths that make the difference –
Writing is a process, not a product. Scribo encourages students to write more, then revise and refine their drafts, rather than focusing on the final outcome. The writing 'product' is a source of much stress and angst.
- Writing is a social activity, not a solitary one. Scribo enables students to collaborate with their peers and teachers, and to receive feedback from multiple sources about their writing.
Writing is a skill, not a talent. Scribo provides students with tools and strategies to develop their writing skills, such as prompts, scaffolds, checklists, automatic grading and exemplars. No student will ever write alone in Scribo.
- Writing is a form of communication, not a test. Scribo helps students to write for authentic purposes and audiences, and to express their ideas clearly and effectively. Writing is a life skill that needs continual development and support.
Scribo is the writing improvement platform that helps teachers and students all over the world write better English, more confidently and more authentically. With the support of AI now available to every teacher and student, it has never been a more exciting time to be involved in teaching and learning.

Mark Stanley – CEO
Founder and chief visionary, Mark is the driving force behind the company. He loves to keep his hands full in the development of the software, marketing, and building customer and partner relationships. He is on the road every month, talking at conferences about AI for good and meeting educators.

Lidija Loridon – CTO
Lidija is one of the iconic people in life who can say they love what they do. Lidija is a co-founder who mentors all our in-house developers, keeps everyone inline, runs the massive tech stack and looks after the community of thousands of teachers and students, personally. Ah, the simple life.

Shashanka Acharya – CDO
Shashanka loves challenges. With his multi-year experience as a full-stack developer, Shashanka has helped the company get where it is today. Shashanka is among the best minds in front to back development.

Diogo Canelas – CUI
With his international UI / UX experience, DC is NOT HAPPY unless his UI works for teachers and students. If the UX needs to be better, easier and support more workflow- DC is the 'go to guy'.

Chun Yat Lee – CAI
Chun Yat is our Chief of AI who patiently listens to mad ideas, then figures out how to make them real. Chun Yat is the true engineer that makes magic happen, without reminding anyone how he did it.

Chun Yat Lee – CAI
Chun Yat is our Chief of AI who patiently listens to mad ideas, then figures out how to make them real. Chun Yat is the true engineer that makes magic happen, without reminding anyone how he did it.

Phil Jury - CRO
Phil has spent his professional life in teaching. Being a Master of pure mathematics, he has taught at some of the best international schools across Asia. Phil has been working in Ed tech for a few years now and is passionate about how technology and pedagogy can make the difference.

Rajat Desai – CPD
Rajat is our Chief of Partner Development. With deep experience in advertising, publishing and EdTech companies, Rajat builds our partner network around the world to make each partner successful with Scribo.

Philip Lim – COO
Philip has been working in VC in Singapore for over 3 years. From funding all kinds of businesses in Asia to now running Scribo operationally, we have one of the smartest minds around on our team. Philip manages investor relations, business health, business expansion and drives us to achieve commercial outcomes every day.

The team
Oh yes, there are many cubs that make the whole experience work. Without them and our partners, we can't do what we do. There are too many to list, but we recognise them all here. A big call out to Kirsten - our tireless chief of QA, Adna and Martina.