Align to both district and IT platform standards


Align and measure against district and state standards

Select your state, grade and standard element. Scribo supports all state standards. 

Measure student and class progress against standards.

Scribo AI builds standards rubrics and grades student progress. 


Measure progress  

Measure student and class progress across any metric.

Deployment and access grows quickly. Engagement is key to success and progress. In two months in one district, adoption and progress is visible.

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Build and share resources 

As educators create resources to support standards development and curriculum, Scribo maintains a library. 

Collective intelligence and effort is harnessed in a school and district library with access contained within the schools and district.

Scribo AI has libraries containing hundreds of English remediation resources, aligned to an English First curriculum, ready to deploy.

books on white wooden shelf


Integrate with district platforms and security standards

Integration with key partner platforms makes Scribo AI fast to set up. Seamless GG4L integration links school rosters and user accounts with full Personally Identifiable Information (PII) protection.

Scribo AI also integrates with Google Classroom, Google and Microsoft SSO and your LMS.

Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari browsers are fully supported on desktop, table and mobile devices.